Granny Smith

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Enter Shikari : « We don’t limit ourselves in anyway musically or lyrically »

Their last album make them grow internationally. Famously known for their energy and their commitment, Enter Shikari answers our questions.

– Hi guys !
o Howdy.

– You are currently recording. How excited are you ?
o We’ve actually finished the recording, now just working on the mixing. It’s sounding fantastic and we can’t wait for everyone to hear it.

-You released 3 singles between « A Flash Flood of Color » and the beginning of your current recording session. Will those 3 singles be on the next album?
o Nope, they were just a stand alone EP to bridge the gap between albums.

– Why did you release them separatly and after AFFOC ? Are they pieces that were not kept for the album but that you still wanted to achieve immortality?
o Two Reasons :
1) Because when we take too long out on the road it’s nice to take a break and get back into creative mode.
2) Because our fans always thirsty for more, I guarantee the day after our next album drops people will be asking for more.

– Your 3 singles mix perfectly all your musical styles, and are a good synthesis of your previous albums, can we expect something similar for your next piece?
o There are some that are the classic Enter Shikari style but there are also a lot that have really moved forward, new textures sounds and styles. I think a lot of our new material will happily surprise you.

– You never changed your message since the beginning, is the success you have with AFFOC help you to spread it even more?
o Well the album has certainly taken us to places we had never been prior it’s release. I think a lot of people find our message refreshing and at a time where there’s never been more dangers and injustices and a need for positive aggression our message is more poignant than ever.

– How do you deal with this influence you have on your audience?
o We try not to abuse it, we stick to our morals and do the best we can to set good examples.

– Do you limit yourself in your lyrics, or do you express everything you want to?
o We don’t limit ourselves in anyway musically or lyrically.  There will always be an infinite amount of important subjects to talk about through music so inspiration will never run out.

– Do you fear that your committment will have consequences for you ?
o Our commitment to our music has many negative consequences, mostly the time we spend away from our friends and family, but I believe they are far outweighed by the positives of being able to do what we love doing as a career, traveling the world spreading our music and ideas and meeting new people.

– We have seen that for a few years, the Metal family was diversifying. Do you think you belong to a specific kind of metal?
o We do not consider ourselves metal, we don’t consider ourselves to be any genre, we are just people making music, everyone else tries to put our music into a category. We belong to creative art, that is all.

– Your last album has 10 years, it was featuring a specific Metal-Electro style. Is it hard to keep innovating in this very particular style?
o Our music is constantly evolving and maturing as we mature as people, it is inevitable that our music will change as we find  new influences but it is also inevitable to parts will be recognisable throughout our entire career as we are the same people that wrote our earliest and our most recent songs.

– In music or in politics, how do you get inspired ?
o We get inspired by truth, that is in music the truth will be found in compositions that are made for the passion for music whether it be a classical piece made  1000 years ago or an electronic song made yesterday. You can always see through bullshit made for money or fame. Again with politics we see through the bullshit rhetoric fed to us (all too often) get get inspired that stand up for what they truly believe in.

Thanks to Enter Shikari for these answer. You can follow them in the recording procession on Youtube, and buy all of her merch by clicking here.

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